AEDE Alicante

Juan José Gaite

•Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from the University of the Basque Country in 1992 with honors.
•Doctorate in Health Sciences from the University of Oviedo, cum laude distinction.
•Associate Professor in the Department of Stomatology, University of the Basque Country.
•Clinical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Navarra.
•Head of the Endodontics area of the dental unit at the University of Navarra Clinic and Co-Director of this unit.
•International Master’s in Endodontics from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
•Diploma in Microscopic Endodontics from the University of Valencia.
•Annual Scholarship from the Spanish Association of Endodontics for the best postgraduate research work.
•Director of the modular course in Endodontics and Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth, organized by the dental unit of the University of Navarra Clinic.
•Lecturer of courses and conferences in the field of Endodontics.
•Contributor to the book Endodontics for Everyone, Peldaño Publishing.